How to Utilize Amenities for Your New Year’s Resolutions
Bring your New Year’s resolutions to life with Evolve amenities
2022 is here, and we at Evolve couldn’t be more ready for it! It’s been a wild couple of years, and it feels good to turn yet another page on a new chapter! A new year means dedicating time to bringing new energy and habits into your life! Some of the best things about apartment living are the amazing amenities right at your fingertips. With a new year in full force, we’re here to break down some of our favorite ways to utilize amenities so that you can bring your New Year’s resolutions to life!

Meditate in the yoga room
If you feel like you don’t have time to meditate, chances are you really need to meditate. It can seem daunting though, especially if you live with pets, your partner, or other family members. With lots of distractions around, it makes sitting down in silence even more challenging.
At Evolve, our communities offer a Yoga Room for you to practice, do Pilates, or sit in silence for meditation with no crazy distractions around you. Set a timer for just ten minutes and see what happens!

Sweat in the gym
If working out seems boring to you, Evolve’s state-of-the-art fitness centers are here to make things exciting. From treadmills and bikes to kettlebells and dumbbells, there’s something for everyone, no matter what you need. Getting physical should be fun! If you’ve set an intention for yourself to sweat more this year, you’re in the right place.

Spend more time outside
Getting more vitamin D and fresh air is likely on a lot of our resolution lists in 2022. If we’ve learned anything over these last two years, it’s the importance of getting outdoors—particularly when it seems like you’ve been couped up for far too long!
Evolve communities are awesome about diversifying what’s available outdoor for residents. From casual seating areas to catch up with friends to communal herb gardens and dog parks, you’re sure to find a way to get outside this year!

Read a book in the clubhouse
Reading more is such a sweet and simple resolution that often gets overlooked. Who feels like they have time to read for pleasure anymore?! But when you’ve got a beautiful clubhouse to relax in, setting aside more time for reading feels a little more manageable. Jot down a list of books you want to read this year and cross them off as you go! Kick up your feet and get cozy!
Grill out with friends
If you feel like you missed out on a lot of the warm weather festivities last year with friends, 2022 might just be your year! When the cold days are behind us and the sun starts peeking out more often, grab your close group of friends and head to the grilling stations. Fresh air and home-cooked food can go a long way!
What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2022?
We’d love to see how you’re using Evolve’s amenities to bring your resolutions to life this year! Be sure to tag us on IG so we can see how you #evolvethewayyoulive in 2022!
Not a resident at Evolve yet but diggin’ our amenities? Click here to see what communities we have near you!